Thursday, March 14, 2013


This is Erkie - relaxing, not on his dog bed, but on his "own" chair. I don't know what happened to our rule, "no dogs on the furniture".....smiles

We are Grand-dog sitting for 17 days, with just 8 days left.  We haven't had a dog around for awhile, and have become quite selfish with our time since we've been retired - yes, that can happen in just 2 years - like getting out of bed when we want, not getting dressed right away when the weather is bad, lounging more than usual, or going where and when we want.

But why am I surprised that I have thoroughly enjoyed this time - even the early morning outdoor trek, and every two hours even when my hands are in dough or when I just sat down for my afternoon tea break. 
"Is this bed for me, Gramma? I can smell the kids on the pillow and the dolls."
This morning was straight-up smoke from the chimneys, just meaning it's cold here in Northern Michigan (no big announcement to the world, like in Rome), and a sunrise I haven't witnessed in awhile with all the snow we've been getting.  Thanks, Erkie. I wouldn't have seen that if it wasn't for you.

I found this "Survival Kit" in my collection of things, and I think it could apply to our dog-sitting as well as grandchild caregiving.

  • RUBBER BAND - to stay flexible
  • BUTTON - to be able to fix things
  • STRING - so I'll never forget
  • CHOCOLATE KISSES - so I'll never run out of kisses (and hugs)
  • BAND-AID - to mend a broken heart
  • MINT - to know I am valued
We Grandmothers are flexible, loving, and can fix everything.  We never forget favorite times and special secrets.  We never run out of kisses, so that must be why grandmothers are a most valued treasure.

Here's to grandmothers everywhere, and grandmother dog caregivers, too!

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