Wednesday, January 9, 2013




Half a cup of Friendship and one cup of thoughtfulness
Cream together with a generous amount of powdered tenderness.
Beat all vigorously into a bowl of loyalty.
Add:  one cup of faith
         one cup of hope
         one cup of charity
Be sure to add to each:
one teaspoon of happiness that sings and sudden tears of heartfelt sympathy.
Bake in a good natural pan and serve repeatedly.
Dear Lord: guide us to share and care for others.  May the values of faith, hope and charity be visible to others as they seek friendship.  Thank you for your love.  AMEN 

What are your stories of faith, hope and charity?  Who has been a life line for you?

It is -15(F) degrees today with a weather advisory for wind chill,
if you don't have to go out, stay in.
If you have to go out, bundle up in layers and make sure little to no skin is exposed.
My father said to us as we were growing up, "There are things in life that aren't fair."  This seems like one of those times, when you might have to change your plans or schedule; when what you could do, you can't.  Like the saying of "making lemonade out of lemons", this cold snap is a time for us to get to those UFO's - unfinished objects,  a TO DO list, or the mental list of "I don't have time to do that." If you must go out in this cold weather, (I realize not everyone is retired like me) warm your car, dress in layers, and drive carefully.
In all things give thanks to God our Father.
On this day, O Lord, I pray for those who are cold, who are homeless or jobless.  I pray for those who are lonely, sick or depressed.  Keep them extra close in your love, and help us who have abundance to answer their calls for help.  AMEN (Yes, it shall be so.  Pray, believing.)

Thought of the day - Great is thy Faithfulness

May others see Jesus in me - may I be faithful unto you O Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Susan,
    I found you by way of Tea Cup Tuesday, Nancy of Two Cottages and Tea mention's you in her post. So I thought I would stop by and say "Hello".
    Lovely tea pot and saying!
    The tea set in your header is stunning! What a vibrant and beautiful design!


Thanks for stopping by! And for sharing your comments.