Thursday, July 3, 2014


I've changed my "center points", so scroll down to the end of this post, to see how my life changes have affected my center points, as of 6/20/2014.

What are your "center points"?

Over the years, when my life has seemed off kilter, I have wondered how to keep that from happening.  Through much thought, prayer and contemplation, I have discovered what I call my Center Points. My center points are the components of my daily life that keep me centered on what is good, right and healthy.

When I was working, my center points were:


When one of them was happening in excess, I could count on the other center points being off kilter also.  Here's an example:

If I found I was overeating, I was probably over spending and driving too fast.

Once I realized my three center points, I spent a great deal of time wondering how to be more aware  before things got out of control.   I started to keep tract of triggers that caused me to "drive too fast, over eat, and over spend."  In my mind's eye, I visualized a clock with the Driving, Eating, and Spending at 3:00, 6:00 and 9:00, but the clock hand never seemed to get all the way up to 12:00.

You may have heard, "prayer changes things."  When you ask, you must take time to listen. Being aware of the triggers would make life more manageable, but I still wondered if I could prevent having so many peaks and valleys. So I asked. He answered. Over a period of time, I came to know the reason why the clock hand never got to 12:00.  I had been leaving out one major component - God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the triune God, was not one of the components. 

When I had not been spending time reading my Bible, doing my daily devotions, seeking His direction daily in my life, any one of the components were out of control! This is the key component!  Now I could finally see the clock hand going up to 12:00! So I updated my center point list:


Now that I've retired, I've removed the Driving because I'm not on the road near as much, and do not maintain a schedule that I have to be somewhere at the same time every day. In exchange though, I've added mood.


I've been having a particular 'off kilter' week lately. I've allowed myself to make impulse purchases, I'm not sleeping as well as usual and I don't feel good.  Why?  I haven't been as faithful with my daily devotions and I've gotten off my eating plan. 

Perhaps as time goes on, my Center Points will change as my life changes.  One thing for sure I know, is that when any one of the Center Point components is off, I can look to where my Lord and Savior is in my daily life, and realize why things are off kilter. 

Today is a new day.  I must start with my daily readings, no excuses.  I've got to do my stretches and exercises and eat healthy.  I know how to do these things.  I've gotten off kilter.....again..... but Jesus promises us he will never leave or forsake us.  Next time I get off kilter, I'll have to remember to look to Jesus for my Center Point!

What are your Center Points? Take time to discover what is keeping you off kilter in your life.

As of June 20, 2014, my "Center Points" have changed again.  I took a big step and went for a consultation at a place called "Motions - Fitness. Nutrition.Support."   I'll be doing a weekly post on this blog, to share my experiences, because being a member there has changed my life in just 10 days. Really.

My Center Points now are:

Faith in Jesus Christ  
Exercise with proper nutrition
Money management

or simply put:


Check back again and read about my progress.


  1. Nicely put! Thanks for helping me think about this!

  2. I'm going to edit this again. The most important reason to change my focus.


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