Thursday, October 29, 2020


I wonder if the color orange, or the spice of Cinnamon and the tastes of fall are prevalent in other areas of the world. You might say they would be if they grew pumpkins or have changing leaves and cooler weather.  If you are reading this from a country outside of the US other than Canada, please share your experience with Autumn scents, smells and sights. 

Here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, not far from the Canadian border, mid-October, we are thankful for every day that the sun is out and there is no sign of the next season. (In case you don't know, its winter, but we don't want to say it out loud!)  Though wind is blowing the leaves off the trees, and the rain is often and more than we'd like, and in 2020, the snow has fallen way too early, its a perfect time to savor hot and scented beverages that not only warm you physically, but comfort your soul.

I found this healthy version of a hot drink, and since I have all the ingredients for Cinnamon Apple Tea Latte, I'll be sipping on this today. (Anything that says Cinnamon or Latte is speaking my language!)

Next time I make this, to keep it simple, and for more apple flavor, I would use apple juice instead of the apples/process.   

If latte is not to your liking how about this hot cranberry orange duo? Check out this recipe for a crock pot tea here, or how about this! Pumpkin hot chocolate!

Tell me about your Scent-ly Fall drink - what do you enjoy drinking in this time of year?   Are you a coffee drinker - do you enjoy pumpkin flavored cream?  Do you have a favorite after dinner drink that is Scent-ly Fall?   I'm waiting to hear. Feel free to share your recipes or send us to where we can find it.

Now on to Senses - Sense-ly Fall is beyond the taste and smell.  I'm thinking of those who celebrate and enjoy with their sight and the colors that speak to Fall.  Carole loves to celebrate Fall with antique collectibles.  (Read the post HALLOWEEN TREASURES) After discovering her love of antique pumpkins and Halloween items, I decided to check out her antique shop.  She is one of many vendors at this marketplace who display colorful and expressive items that draw you right in.

Now if like me, orange is not a particular favorite color of yours, with Carole's eye for items and display, you could love Halloween more than ever before - because who doesn't like a pumpkin of natural twigs, or one of black and white checks or green satin? 

I know I'm rambling here, but I just want you all to see the variety of decorations, a lot or a little, colorful or subtle that could brighten any corner table or small shelf in your home. And right now, let's do what we can to create a little bit of happiness or joy to help us get through some unpredictable times.

I'm so glad you shared your antique Halloween collectibles, Carole.  They have brought the joy of memories of years past, and ideas for little corners. Visit Carole's antique booths at Lowensteins's Antique Market Place.   Or if you're not shopping in person (with your mask on, Halloween or not), take time for yourself and enjoy a nice hot seasonal drink, take a walk or creative time.  You deserve it!  

Thanks for stopping by.  Support your local little shops and small town businesses.  

Till we meet again, be blessed!  SB


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words about my shop. Fall is my favorite season in the upper peninsula even though it doesn't last long enough.


Thanks for stopping by! And for sharing your comments.